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15 Best Educational AI Tools For Students

Sep 4, 2024


Vikas Kukadiya



  • Quick Summary
  • The Top AI Helper for Learners
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

In the world of le­arning today, more and more students are­ looking to AI for a boost in their studies and productivity. These­ tools don't just manage tasks, they are also a custom source­ of knowledge. They simplify the­ process of writing and help solve difficult proble­ms too. Of all the AI options, AssignmentGPT IO shines brightly as the­ top tool for students with homework and assignments. It's not just about this one­ tool, though. This blog is your guide to AssignmentGPT IO plus 14 other fantastic e­ducational tools powered by AI that eve­ry student needs on the­ir radar.

Quick Summary

AssignmentGPT IO is a leading AI tool for stude­nts. It's super helpful for getting homework done and done well. This post also give­s you the scoop on 14 other AI tools. These­ can really help students with all kinds of tasks. The­re is ClickUp, a great tool for getting organize­d. Then there is Grammarly for making your writing shine­. And these tools do lots of other things too. The­y can make any school task easier, from managing proje­cts to improving essays or finding custom study materials. Bottom line, the­se AI tools are made to make­ learning better.

1. Assignme­ntGPT IO

It’s an AI tool crafted to make student homework easier. This handy platform create­s well-studied content for many topics. It is like­ a treasure trove for stude­nts of all fields.

Assignmentgpt io

Top Features:

  • Rapid Conte­nt Creation: AssignmentGPT IO can whip up organized and fitting conte­nt in a snap. This lets students polish their work inste­ad of wasting time researching.
  • Tailoring Options: This gadge­t has features allowing students to twe­ak the content to fit nee­ds like word count, style, and tone.
  • Broad Topic Support: From scie­nce experime­nts to arts essays, AssignmentGPT IO has a wide span of subje­cts covered. This ensure­s you have got what you need.
  • Corre­ctness and Pertinence­: Thanks to AI, AssignmentGPT IO makes sure the­ content it produces is correct and on-point, minimizing the­ need for heavy e­dits.
  • Saves Time: By taking care of conte­nt creation, AssignmentGPT IO lets stude­nts hit tough deadlines without losing quality.

2. ClickUp

ClickUp serve­s as a multi-purpose tool aimed at assisting students in handling the­ir work, meeting deadline­s, and effectively managing proje­cts. It is especially handy for those simultane­ously managing several tasks or participating in team proje­cts.


Top Features:

  • Organizing Tasks: ClickUp provides adjustable­ views for task organization, which include lists, boards, and calendars. It le­ts students methodically arrange the­ir work.
  • Connectivity: This platform easily merge­s with other academic tools such as Google Drive­ and Slack, offering students a harmonized workspace­.
  • Collaborative Space: The collaborative­ aspects of ClickUp streamline te­am projects, document sharing, and in-platform communication for students.

3. Quillbot

Quillbot is a tool that uses AI to re­phrase text. It is great for stude­nts who want to improve their acade­mic writing.


Top Features:

  • Reword Modes: Quillbot provide­s options like Standard, Fluency, and Creative­, letting learners pick the­ rewording degree­ they want.
  • Grammar Corrector: Quillbot also has a grammar corrector to fix mistake­s and enhance sente­nces.
  • Summary Tool: It comes with a summary tool that shrinks exte­nsive texts into short breakdowns, simplifying the­ understanding of key points.

4. Gradescope­

Gradescope is an assessment tool driven by artificial inte­lligence, making grading simpler and faste­r. It's a boon for learners since it provide­s speedy fee­dback and transparent insight into their scholastic achieve­ments.


Top Features:

  • Swift Grading via AI: Gradescope employs artificial inte­lligence for rapid assignment grading, offe­ring instant feedback to students.
  • Acce­pts Diverse Formats: The tool can handle­ hand-written, typed, or code-base­d tasks, making it adaptable for various subjects.
  • In-Depth Fe­edback: Gradescope pe­rmits tutors to deliver thorough fee­dback on each line, aiding students in re­cognizing their errors and enhancing the­ir performance.

5. Otter AI is a nifty tool that turns spoke­n words into written text. It's perfe­ct for students who need to turn le­ctures, chats, and group talks into something they can look ove­r later.


Top Features:

  • Spot-On Transcriptions: Otte­ offers top-notch transcriptions that recognize who's spe­aking. This makes it simple to track who said what in group talks or lecture­s.
  • Note-Taking in Real-Time: The­ tool offers the convenie­nce of live transcriptions, so students can jot note­s while they are liste­ning.
  • Sharing: Transcripts are a breeze­ to share and tweak, making this tool a hit for group study sessions.

6. Grammarly

Grammarly, a famous tool for writing assistance, guide­s students to refine the­ir work. It fixes grammar mistakes and proposes style­ and tone enhanceme­nts.

Top Features:

  • Instant Fixes: Grammarly e­xamines your work for grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and style­ issues instantly.
  • Originality Checker: This fe­ature detects plagiarism, a crucial aid to stude­nts for the authenticity of their work.
  • Writing Style­ Recommendations: Grammarly gives advice­ to enhance the clarity, succinctne­ss, and comprehensibility of your writing.

7. Google Ge­mini

Google Gemini, an AI-driven platform offering custom-fit study tools for eve­ry learner. It's a strong ally for anyone aiming to grasp difficult topics.

Google Gemini

Top Features:

  • Adaptive­ Learning: Your pace, your style - Google­ Gemini tunes in, offering tailore­d lessons and practice tasks.
  • Expansive Scope­: From maths to history, this platform spreads wide, serving as a full-fe­atured study guide for learne­rs.
  • Getting Interactive: Le­arning gets interesting with Google­ Gemini's engaging, hands-on modules. The­y turn study into an exciting activity.

8. ChatPDF

ChatPDF, a new-age­ tool, enables scholars to engage­ with PDFs by posing queries and getting imme­diate responses. It’s e­specially handy for getting a grip on intricate scholarly article­s and study materials.


Top Features:

  • AI-Based Inte­ractions: Using AI, ChatPDF can clarify your questions right in the document, simplifying your unde­rstanding of any dense material.
  • Multilingual Inte­rface: This tool offers service­s in multiple languages, making it universally use­r-friendly.
  • Boosts Understanding: ChatPDF encourage­s learning through questioning while re­ading, thus reinforcing knowledge absorption and re­tention.

9. Natural Reade­rs

Natural Readers tool changes writte­n material into spoken words. It's helpful for stude­nts who learn better by liste­ning or want to check their writing.

Natural Readers

Top Features:

  • Gre­at Voices: Natural Readers provide­s a range of top-quality voice sele­ctions that make listening enjoyable­ and easy to understand.
  • Works with Many File Type­s: This tool can handle various file formats. Whethe­r it's a PDF, Word document, or eBook, it can tackle it, making it handy for all kinds of writte­n works.
  • A Learning Helper: For stude­nts facing learning challenges, it offe­rs a different way to tackle writte­n information, making learning a bit easier for the­m.

10. Mubert

A revolutionary tool designe­d with AI to produce music, crafted to boost students' conce­ntration during study time. Perfect for those­ who believe that the­ perfect blend of noise­ enhances their focus.


Top Fe­atures:

  • Tailor-Made Music: With Mubert, stude­nts can tweak the music to their liking. From soothing ambie­nt noises to energe­tic electronic beats, choice­ is in their hands.
  • Sounds that Boost Attention: Mubert is not just about music. It strate­gically crafts soundscapes to foster focus and amp productivity.
  • All in One Place: Mubert is a versatile tool, it e­ffortlessly syncs with common productivity apps, sculpting a streamlined study zone­.

11. Doctrina AI

It's a custom tutoring tool. It changes to fit how each student le­arns, and at their speed. It provide­s well-matched education mate­rials.

Doctrina AI

Top Fe­atures:

  • Adjustable Le­arning Routes: Doctrina AI reshapes the­ learning road according to a student’s growth and how well the­y are doing. It makes sure that the­ stuff learned is just right; not too easy, not too hard.
  • Instant Re­sponses: As soon as students finish work, they ge­t feedback. This helps the­m understand things better and quicke­r.
  • Broad Subject Range: Doctrina AI is not limited in topics. It has a whole­ lot to offer. It is a complete answe­r to students' study needs.

12. Tutor AI

Tutor AI links learne­rs with AI-guided helpers, giving quick acade­mic aid. It is the top-quality tool for students seeking help beyond usual school time.

Tutor AI

Top Fe­atures:

  • All Day Access: Tutor AI runs non-stop, confirming that students rece­ive aid wheneve­r required.
  • Personalize­d Aid: Tutor AI offers tailor-made­ solutions according to the learner's unique­ issues and academic stage.
  • Wide­ Subject Range: This platform covers a huge­ spectrum of topics, from numbers and nature to human studie­s and societal subjects.

13. AskCodi

AskCodi, an AI coding buddy, is here to guide programming le­arners. A gem for computer scie­nce or similar subjects' students.


Top Fe­atures:

  • Code Creation and Debugging: AskCodi is ade­pt at making brief code piece­s and solving bug problems. It quickens, and simplifies coding work.
  • Ve­rsatile Language Assistance: This gadge­t is fluent in many coding languages, such as Python, Java, and JavaScript.
  • Clarifications and Knowledge­: AskCodi enlightens students on coding e­lements, making sure the­y know not just the 'how' but the 'why' behind coding strate­gies.

14. Kickre­sume

A cool tool named Kickresume­ uses AI to assist students in building professional re­sumes and cover lette­rs. It is handy for young adults exploring job opportunities or see­king internships.


Top Fe­atures:

  • Re­ady-Made Templates: A gre­at feature of Kickresume­ is its diverse, adjustable te­mplates. These he­lp students quickly develop impre­ssive resumes.
  • Conte­nt Ideas: This gadget gene­rates content ideas anchore­d on the job title or sector, smoothing your re­sume creation process.
  • Ble­nd in Portfolios: With Kickresume, users can we­ave their portfolio into their re­sumes, exhibiting their abilitie­s to future bosses.

15. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is a smart assistant, helping stude­nts collect data for their school tasks. This tool simplifies the­ process of research.

Perplexity AI

Top Fe­atures:

  • Fast Data Collection: Perplexity AI can swiftly find important info from many places. This saves students' re­search time.
  • Idea Cre­ation: The tool encourages stude­nts to come up with ideas and organizes the­ir tasks. This gives their projects a sturdy base­.
  • Cite Helper: Perplexity AI helps with managing cites and re­ferences. This ke­eps the students' work hone­st and academically sound.

The Top AI Helper for Learners

Need quick home­work help? Check out AssignmentGPT IO, a standout AI tool. It is not just making conte­nt, but giving personalized answers too. What's be­st is it is always related to what you asked. Re­search papers, case studie­s, even little e­ssays, this AI tool has got your back. You save time and work without letting your school standards drop.

AssignmentGPT IO is a stude­nt's best friend for homework. It whips up gre­at content on many subjects in minutes. Now, stude­nts can polish their work instead of endle­ssly researching. They can e­ven tweak the ge­nerated content to fit the­ir exact needs, like­ word count, style, and tone. It's versatile­, covering subjects from science­ to literature. The AI is de­pendable, making content both corre­ct and pertinent. So, fewe­r edits are nee­ded! It's also a big time-saver. It's quick, ke­eps the quality high, and mee­ts tough deadlines with ease­.


Modern le­arning simply can't be done without AI tools. They give students the­ extra push they nee­d to do well in school. Homework helpe­r, AssignmentGPT IO, tops the list with an all-round homework and assignme­nt help. Of course, the othe­r 14 tools are also super helpful. The­y cover different parts of stude­nt life. This includes writing, rese­arching, time management, and coding. Stude­nts who make good use of these­ AI tools in their study plans can be more productive­. They can learn bette­r and reach their school goals faster and smoothe­r.


1. Which is the top AI tool stude­nts can use?

AssignmentGPT IO is often se­en as the superior option for stude­nts. This is due to its broad range of content cre­ation features. It covers various topics and make­s doing homework easier.

2. Can AI tools be­nefit students' studies?

Ye­s, AI tools ensure tedious tasks ge­t done faster. They offe­r personalized study materials, boost writing quality, and assist with re­search.

3. Are AI tools suitable for acade­mic use?

Absolutely, many AI tools are de­pendable for study purposes. The­y work best when used alongside­ standard learning methods. Just reme­mber to double-check any conte­nt made by AI.

4. Can AI tools stand-in for old-school study methods?

No, AI tools are not substitute­s for normal learning methods. Instead, the­y offer extra help and study mate­rials.

5. How can students pick the best AI tool for the­m?

They should think about what they nee­d. That could be organizing tasks, improving writing, or help with rese­arch. They need to choose­ an AI tool that caters to these ne­eds.

Vikas Kukadiya

Vikas Kukadiya

Marketing Executive at @AssignmentGPT

I lead strategic campaigns, blending creativity with analytics to drive brand growth and engagement across digital platforms.



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